37th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees union, Mailguards and Multi Tasking Staff Group’C’ was held from 25th to 27th May 2022 The following office –bearers were elected unanimously for the next session. President Com.. S.N.Jadhav MTS Mumbai Air Mail Sorting Division- ( Maharastra) Vice-President 1 Com.. B.Paranthaman MTS Chennai Sorting Division ( Tamilnadu) Vice-President 2 Com. R.N.Mahanty MG RMS BG Division Bharampur (Odisha) Vice-President 3 Com. B.J.Chouan MTS RMS W Vadadora (Gujarat) General Secretary Com.. K.Mukatar Ahmed MG RMS Z Division (Telangana) Assistant General 1 Com. Naveen Kumar MTS Delhi Sorting Division ( Delhi) Secretaries. 2 Com. R.S.Suresh Kumar MG RMS TV Division Trivandrum (Kerala) 3 Com Saket Behari Gupta MG RMS O Division Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) 4 Com. Laxminaryana MTS Benguluru Sorting Division (Karnataka) 5 Com. T.Kannaiah MG RMS TP Division Tirupathi (Andhra Pradesh) 6 Com. Elumalai MTS Chennai APSO Division (Tamilnadu) 7 Com. Vittal Abinave MTS RMS B Division Pune ( Maharastra) 8 Com. Tarun Kumar Panja MTS RMS WB Division Howrah ( West Bengal) 9 Com. Abdul Khadeer SS MMS Hyderabad Division ( Telangana) Treasurer Com. Ramesh Chand MTS Airmail Sorting Division (Delhi) Federal Councillors 1 Com. Raju Chakraborty (Assam) 11. Com. G.N.Anantha Ramu ( Karnataka) 2 Com. LelaDhar Pandey (Chattisgarh 12. Com A.K.Singh (Delhi) 3 Com Ragavendra Paswan (Bihar) 13. Com P.Sathaiah (Telangana) 4 Com. Ravi Kumar (Punjab) 14. Com P.P..Radha Krishna (Kerala) 5 Com. Rohit Saini (Haryana) 15 .Com R.K.Mahanti (Maharastra) 6 Com. Ashik Ansari (Jharkhand) 7 Com Ravi Kumar (Tamilnadu) 8 Com.Rahut Chougad (Madhya Pradesh) 9 Com. Rahul Sharma (Rajasthan) 10 Com. G,S,Sastry (Telangana)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


The Department of Post has now clarified that reduction of staff earlier implemented as matching savings for implementation of TBOP/BCR promotions stands withdrawn
from 01.09.2008.After switching over to MACP from TBOP/BCR promotions, we are persuading the Department either to revive the posts or adjust the same at the time of cadre restructuring. Now the Department has issued orders for revival of the surrendered posts and it will certainly be helpful for cadre review proposals.

The Postal Board’s action is highly appreciated. We fervently appeal the Secretary to restore the charge Allowance and other allowances, which we surrendered at the time of implementation of TBOP Scheme during 1983.
The copy of the Order is furnished below.
(Copy of letter No. 25-5/2010-PE.I dated 19.07.2010 of Department of Posts)
Sub: - Reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008 consequent upon implementation of MACP.
The undersigned is directed clarify the position in respect of reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes w.e.f 01.09.2008 during periodical Establishment Reviews consequent upon implementation of MACP and withdrawal of TBOP/BCR Schemes as under:
“Consequent on implementation of time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme and Biennial Cadre Review (BCR) Scheme, Department of Posts had imposed cuts of 5% in operative staff and 15% in supervisory staff w.e.f 30.11.1983 under TBOP Scheme and later on, additional cuts of 1% in operative staff and 5% in supervisory staff were introduced w.e.f. 01.10.1991 under BCR Scheme. These cuts were introduced as measure of matching savings to offset the financial implications on account of grant of financial upgradations to staff and for obtaining additional productivity. The number of posts reduced under this matching savings/productivity provisions were kept in view at the time of periodical reviews or establishment of augmentation proposals.

The said TBOP and BCR Schemes have now been withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.20087 consequent upon implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP). Consequently, the number of operative/supervisory posts existing as on 01.09.2008 will be taken into consideration for the purpose of periodical reviews or augmentation proposals of Post Offices establishment. Thus, provisions relating to reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR Schemes stand also withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008.”
This issues with the approval of Secretary (P)
(Raj Kumar)
Director (Estt. & DE)

The adhoc services of erstwhile RTPs who were deputed to Army Postal Services and those approached judiciary had been taken for promotion under TBOP/BCR earlier.We are demanding since then that it should be applied to all the similarly situated persons. This is one of the demands, we placed in the JCM Departmental council meeting.The Department has now issued orders to apply the same to all the similarly situated persons who are deputed to APS for counting their past adhoc services in APS as regular service for TBOP/BCR promotion.
We are seeking justice to all the erstwhile RTPS with similar orders.
(Copy of Letter No 93-25/2003-SPB-II dated 21.07.2010 of Department of Posts)
Sub: - Counting of ad-hoc services rendered in Army Postal Service (APS) for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under Time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme – Reg.

I am directed to refer to the references received regarding the issue of counting of ad-hoc services rendered in Army Postal Service (APS) for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under Time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme introduced by the Department.

2. It is observed that the issue under reference was considered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in C.A No. 5739 of 2005 in the case of UOI Vs Shri Mathivanan. The Apex Court in their judgment dated 09.06.2006 held that the official has completed 16 years of service (after taking into account his adhoc service rendered in APS) and would be entitled to the benefit of paragraph 1 of TBOP scheme and the action of the authorities in not granting the said benefit was illegal and contrary to law. Hon’ble Court observed that so far as placing of an officer in the next ‘higher grade’ is concerned, what was relevant and material was that such official belonging to basic grades in Group ‘C’ and D must have completed ‘sixteen years of service in that Grade’. They pointed out that it no where uses the connotation ‘regular’ service. It was also inter-alia observed “The scheme merely perused that any person having rendered 16/26 years of service without obtaining any promotion could be entitled to benefit therefore. It is, therefore, not a case where promotion to the higher post is to be made only on the basis of seniority.
3. In view of the dismissal of Civil Appeal No. 5739 of 2005-UOI & Ors Vs M. Mathivanan by the Hon’ble Supreme court on the above grounds vide their order dated 09.06.2006, the order dated 03.04.2002 of the Hon’ble CAT, Madras Bench pronounced in OA No. 1094 of 2001 was implemented subject to condition that the official will not be entitled to claim any seniority over those absorbed in the Postal Departmental before he was absorbed, for any purpose whatsoever.
4. It had been brought to the notice of the Directorate that a number of cases have been filed by the officials who have rendered adhoc service in APS seeking the benefit of above stated Apex court order in their cases also. The Department has considered the matter. Department of Personnel & Training and D/o Legal Affairs have also been consulted in the matter.
5. Keeping in view the Apex Court’s decision in M. Mathivanan’s case and the fact that TBOP is not to be granted on the basis of seniority. it has been decided with approval of competent authority to extend the benefit of the Apex Court’s order to similarly placed serving officials.
6. The TBOP scheme now stands withdrawn w.e.f. 01.09.2008 after introduction of Modified Career Progress Scheme (MACPS). It is, therefore, advised that all the cases of officials similar to the case of Shri. Mathivanan for grant of TBOP/BCR upto the period 31.08.2008 may be decided by counting the adhoc service rendered by them in APS.
7. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts)
Yours faithfully,
(Suraj Bhan)
Asstt. Director General (SPN)

Friday, July 30, 2010


At last justice done , though belated
The Supreme court  pronounced judgment  to- day directing the Department  to absorb 204  RRR  candidates of Tamilnadu Circle  with immediate effect .  
I) service will count for pension from back date.
ii) Notional  fixation of pay from earlier date without arrears.
What a Magnificent  Victory ! efforts of RRR candidates and sincere support  extended to them by NFPE R IV CHQ will be cherished for ever.   

(Tamil Nadu Circle)
Supreme Court Judgment-- RRR Candidates
CIVIL APPEAL NO(s). 7773 OF 2009
Civil Appeal NO. 7779 of 2009
(With appln.(s) for C/delay in filing SLP)
Civil Appeal NO. 5131 of 2005
Date: 30/07/2010 These Appeals were called on for hearing today.
UPON being mentioned, the Court made the following
Civil Appeal No.5131 of 2005 arising out of SLP(C) No.19587 of 2003 is delinked from other matters. The remaining appeals are disposed of in terms of the signed order.
(Sukhbir Paul Kaur) (J.P. Sharma)
Court Master Court Master
(Signed Order is placed on the file)
We have heard learned counsel for the parties.
During the course of hearing of this batch of appeals, the appellants represented by the Director(Staff), Ministry of Communication & I.T., Department of Posts filed an additional affidavit which may put an end tothe controversy between the parties. In fact, the said additional affidavit has been filed pursuant to certain observations made by this Court while hearing the appeals.
It is evident from the affidavit that the entire matter was reconsidered by the Department and upon such reexamination based on humanitarian considerations, found that out of 204 respondents in all 202 respondents working in the Department against short term/leave vacancies can be accommodated against compassionate appointment vacancies for the years 2000-01 to 2009 as per the departmental guidelines. However, in the case of Postal Assistants (PA)and Sorting Assistants (SA) cadre, according to the Ministry, the number of vacancies is not enough to accommodate all of them in the cadre. It is stated that the number of vacancies earmarked for this period is only 113 whereas the number of respondents claiming the relief is 152. However, it is stated that as a one time measure, the Department is willing to accommodate them against residual vacancies of the Department. The statement made in the affidavit is made part of the record directing the respondents to act upon  the same.In the circumstances, the appellants are directed to regularize the services of all the 202 respondents who are working in the Department against short term/leave vacancies with effect from their date of appointment. However, the respondents shall not be entitled for payment of any arrears on account of such regularization. But their pay and pensionary benefits are protected. In view of this order, it is made clear that the findings recorded by the Tribunal and as well as the High Court with regard to the interpretation of office memorandums and circulars of the Department are set aside and those findings and observations shall not be treated as precedent for the purpose of any other case or cases that may be pending. The questions of law, if any, are left open. The appeals are accordingly disposed of without any order as to costs. The interlocutory applications are accordingly allowed.
NEW DELHI, July 30, 2010

10% DA from July 2010 : AICPIN for the month of June-2010 published by Labour Bureau

 All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 value has been released by Labour Bureau. The value of the index stands at 174level, so in this situation, the Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees will be rised 10% and total of 45% (35% + 10%). All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of June, 2010 increased by 2 points and stood at 174 (one hundred and seventy four). 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Postal Directorate issued orders for Filling up of the posts of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants byDirect Recruitment for the years 2009 and 2010

Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
(Department of Posts)

                                                                                    Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
                                                                         New Delhi -110001
                                                                            Dated 22nd July, 2010

  1. All Chief Post Masters General.
  2. All Post Master General
  3. CGM, PLI

Subject: - Filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant by Direct Recruitment.


            I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter No 60-16/2009-SPB-1 dt. 12.11.2009 on the above subject and to say that the matter regarding filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant pertaining to the years 2009 has been reviewed and it has been decided that the direct recruitment vacancies of the year 2009 and existing as well as firm anticipated vacancies of the year 2010 may be filled up by direct recruitment as per the existing instructions issued vide this Department’s letter No 51-2/2003-SPB-1 dated 10.11.2004. It may please be ensured that the recruitment process is finalized and results declared by 16th December 2010.

2.         In order to finalize the recruitment process by the said target date all are requested to ensure that following steps leading to the selection of the candidates are taken/completed not later than the dates indicated against each:
  1. Advertisement/Circulation of vacancies for the years 2009 and 2010 20th August, 2010
  2. Last date for receipt of the applications 05th October, 2010
  3. Holding of written examination and completion of computer test 14th November, 2010
  4. Declaration of final result/Select list 16th December, 2010
    • If any circle so desires it may continue to follow the system of holding the computer test after or before holding the written/aptitude test but it must be ensured that the process of holding of written examination and computer test is completed by 14th November, 2010 and the time limit prescribed for declaration of final result is strictly adhered to.

3.         The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully
Tel No. 23096092

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Core banking services at post offices

There is a proposal to introduce Core Banking Solution (CBS) in 4,000 post offices for ensuring “anytime, anywhere and any branch banking” in these 4000 post offices. There is a financial outlay of Rs.106 crores for development of CBS software, customer relations management, training,project management unit, centralised back office etc. during the 11th Five Year Plan. The project aims at provision of delivery channels like ATM, internet, phone and mobile banking services besides streamlining the existing operations of savings schemes /savings certificates. Till now, 117 officers have been imparted CBS appreciation training and 60 operative officials have attended workshop on Core Banking. Government has also taken the following steps to make the post offices a profitable organization:Modernize mail operations through improved transmission of mails, parcel and logistics between major cities, setting up of automatic mail processing centres for faster processing of mails and rationalization of the existing mail network.

Induction of technology in speed post network and financial services so as to increase the efficiency of operations.

Leveraging the postal network to provide various utility services.

Utilizing technology for improving productivity in post offices.

Imparting need based training to all staff.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications &Information Technology, Shri Gurudas Kamat in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today. 

Modernisation of Post Offices

Project Arrow has been launched with objective of modernizing the post offices and making visible, tangible and noteworthy differences in the Post Offices’ operations that matter to “Aam Aadmi”. The project envisages upgradation of Post Offices in urban andrural areas both in terms of upgrading and enhancing the quality of service in ‘core areas’ and improving the ‘look and feel.’ The project aims at creating a conducive and friendlywork environment both for the staff and the customers visiting the Post Offices, providing all IT enabled services through secure connectivity, improving the service quality levels in the core business areas e.g. Mail delivery, Remittances both electronic and manual and Postal Savings Scheme.
The Project was launched initially on proof of concept basis in 50 post offices in Phase I. After the successful completion of the Phase I, it was implemented in 450 post office in Phase II and in 500 post offices in Phase III across the country including rural areas. In the current financial year Project Arrow is being extended to 500 more post offices across the country. Project Arrow aims at comprehensive improvement of the core operations of the Post Office as well as the ambience in which postal transactions are undertaken. The response of the general public and the staff of the department to the initiatives have been overwhelmingly positive.
The initiative Project Arrow - Transforming India Post has also won the Prime Minister’s award for Excellence in Public Administration for the year 2008-09.
Head Post Offices and important Sub Post Offices located in rural areas are being covered under Project Arrow in a phased manner.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Gurudas Kamat in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha.

Review of Functioning of CGHS

Review of Functioning of CGHS 
The performance of the CGHS is regularly reviewed by the Government. The committee of secretaries has also been regularly reviewing the functioning of the CGHS since December 2008 and has been giving directions to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for making it beneficiary friendly. Some of the recent initiatives are listed below:
1. Computerisation: To keep pace with the modern times, a massive computerisation work has been taken up under CGHS in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre. Computerisation of the CGHS will result in lesser waiting period for beneficiaries at the dispensaries; online placement indents on local chemists, availability of patients profiles; availability of medicine, drugs usage pattern, which enable the CGHS to prepare a realistic of formulary drugs; reduction in use of paper; removal of jurisdictional restriction (as regard the dispensaries) for the beneficiaries, etc.
2. Introduction of Plastic cards: As part of the computerisation process, it has been decided to plastics cards individually to each beneficiary of the CGHS. This will enable beneficiaries to avail CGHS facility in any city should they happen to be in that city either on official work or on leave. Inter city treatment will be possible after all cities are computerised and networked.
3. Accreditation of hospitals with National Accreditation Board for hospitals and health care providers (NABH) and lapse with National Accreditation Board for Testing and Caliberation Laboratories (NABL): With a view to providing better quality treatment to CGHS beneficiaries, it was decided that only those private hospitals and diagnostic centres would be empanelled under the CGHS, as have been cleared by the quality Council of India after it carried out inspection of the facilities available at these hospitals and diagnostic centres. It may been decided all the hospitals and laboratories on the panel of CGHS have to get certificates issued by the NABH / NADL under the quality council of India.
4. Medical Audit of Hospital Bills is an important exercise to assess the quality of services offered and expenditure incurred. In order to be sure that the bills raised by private empanelled hospitals are genuine and that the beneficiaries were required to undergo only that treatment as was required and that the hospital has not forced the beneficiary to undergo unnecessary tests / treatment at the hospital. The job of the medical audit of Hospital bills has been outsourced to TPAs.
5. Holding of Claims Adalats: Complaints were received in the CGHS and in the Ministry that old cases of reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by pensioners were pending for settlement for long time. It was decided that claims adalats be held in each Zonal office of CGHS, Delhi under the chairmanship of the Additional Directors of the respective zones. Claims adalats were held annually, in each zone (East, Central, South and North Zones) in Delhi, during 2007 and 2008 and over 95% of the claims were settled in those adalats. Encorporated by the success in Delhi, all CGHS cities have been directed to hold claim adalats on annual basis.
6. Local Advisory Committees Local Advisory Committee meetings are held in each CGHS dispensary on second Saturday on the month attended by the Welfare Officer appointed by the Chief Welfare Officer, Department of Personnel & Training, representatives from pensioners associations, local chemists to resolve problems at dispensary level.
7. Decentralisation and delegation of powers: Ministries / departments have been delegated powers to handle all cases of reimbursement claims if no relaxation of rules was involved. Either they had powers to handle requests upto Rs. 2 Lakh and beyond that amount, the cases were referred to CGHS.
8. Rate contract for purchase of drugs: Dispensaries in Delhi have been permitted to place indent directly on the manufacturers on rate contract basis. The benefit of this arrangement is that dispensaries / CGHS do not have to carry huge inventory of medicines and indents can be placed on a monthly basis depending on the need.
This information was given by Minister for Health and Family Welfare Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Rajya Sabha today

Committee to consider Cadre Restructuring of Gr.`C’ employees( PA/SA/PM/MG/MSE )

The Dept.has sent a letter to the Federations stating that the it would constitute a committee to consider cadre restructuring of Gr.`C’ employees. The committee will consist of three representatives from the staff side and three from the official side. Further it is stated that after receipt of letter from staff side a formal order will be issued by the Dept. to constitute the committee .

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Regulatory body to fix postal rates

New regulator on the cards for India Post and private courier firms would fix the tariffs for their services. The government has comprehensively re-drafted an earlier Bill on postal regulation with a view to bringing the entire communication industry under a regulatory regime similar to the one for the telecoms sector.
As per the re-drafted Bill —the Post Office and Courier Services Bill, 2010—which was reviewed by FE, the courier firms would need to register themselves with the regulator—Postal Regulatory Authority of India (PRAI)— and adhere to a set of guidelines for quality of services framed by it. The firms will also have to contribute to a Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) to enable delivery of postal services to financially unviable areas at affordable rates. However, the government has dropped the controversial provision in the original (2006) draft of the Bill which sought to bar private courier firms from carrying packets weighing below 500 gm. Also, in a departure from the original draft, which specified the fee structure for the players, the new Bill has left such matters for the regulator to decide.  The size of the Indian courier industry is over Rs 4,000 crore with major players being DHL, FedEx India and DTDC. As per the latest proposal, PRAI will have functions similar to that of telecom regulator Trai. It can suo motu recommend to the government policy measures on the entire gamut of the postal sector. On its part, the government can seek its recommendations on issues of importance. Once PRAI is constituted, all existing courier firms would have to register themselves with it for a 10-year period on payment of a fee. The registration, of course, can be renewed once it expires. The regulator would set eligibility criteria for those wanting to enter the sector in the new regulated regime. It would have powers to recommend to the government revocation of licenses of any firm which fails to meet the criteria set out by it. The government (read the department of post and a reinforced Postal Board) would retain the powers to make policies and provide licences.  A Postal Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal would be set up to arbitrate on disputes between the industry and the regulator, the regulator and the government, industry and the government; and between industry players.  Source:Financialexpress.com

Monday, July 26, 2010


The proposal for the introduction of Annuity scheme in lieu of pension for the GDS employees has been cleared by the Ministry of Finance on 15.7.2010. The Postal Board has also approved the same. The next process for the implementation of the scheme is to get approval from PFRDA. Thereafter the scheme should be notified. Option will be called for among the existing GDS comrades whether he is willing to switch over to the new Annuity scheme or to continue in the present severance amount scheme.
The modalities and the real benefits of the proposed annuity scheme are not made known to us. We should also study the scheme and see the advantages before severing the severance amount scheme. As per the present position, the normal process for the implementation of the scheme will take another three to four months minimum.

Monday, July 19, 2010

CHQ R IV Letter to Department on Terms of Reference on Mckinsey & Co.

Smt. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary Dept. of Posts
New Delhi 110 001.
Sub : Terms of Reference on Mckinsey & Co. – AI RMS & MMS EU MGs & MSE views.

AI RMS & MMS EU MGs & MSE has sought to get the terms of reference made by the Department
when it called for expression of interest (EOI) and request for proposal (RPF) in 2009 for the selection of a consultant for mail network optimization project of Department of Post .We now understand that MCKinsey and Co is handling this project. Having gone through the above reference, AI RMS & MMS EU MGs & MSE  has the following points/proposals/ suggestions and demands, which we except the Department of Post to consider:

1. We are happy that the Department is seriously looking at the mail network optimization, which is our core business and welcome any initiative in that direction. However, we would like that the Department hears the Workers’ suggestions, represented by AI RMS & MMS EU MGs & MSE and other unions, before any action to implement any new idea/venture/modifications of the existing system, discuss and debate and then act of consensus.

2. We feel that the terms of reference itself carries lot of contradictions. For example, at para 1.7, the Department’s objective to double its mail volume and corresponding revenue by FY 2014-15. There is nomention of any profit target there, where as at para 2.1, it talks about“…the ambitious growth and profit targets set by the India Post…”. Revenue is not Profit, we all know. So far Department has not set any profit target. It has not even fixed, a target date for getting out of deficit support. This is one example. These need clarifications and discussion.

3. At para 1.7 from para 1.7 (a) to 1.7 (f), six mail business projects are already listed as being conceptualized, whereas at para 3.1 (scope of work), the consultant has to define the new structure, including preparing a business plan. we have already decided on projects, did we do it without a business plan? If we had, where is the need for a consultant?

4. While we appreciate the thrust sought to be made in the mail area, we are worried that the revenue/profit dimension is narrowly sought to be achieved at the cost of the poor and rural population and workers of the Department, as certain inherent cues in the reference indicate. We want to elucidate this logic: Any business plan to make this Department profitable should start with the Vision of the Organisation: “India Post to be a Socially Committed, entrepreneurially managed, technology driven and self-sustained organization.” Any business plan should satisfy the above vision, in the context of detailed analysis of the internal and external environment. A self-sustained enterprise should get rid of the dependence on subsidy. But can the drive for this come from the mail business alone, given the differential growth rate of mail for the underprivileged Vs the business mail? The way the reference is worded, one gets the feeling that this is what is planned, namely to bring down the service levels of the under- privilaged:
i) Term 1.7 (co says : “…establish 230 mail business centres through restructuring of existing mail offices and network optimization”. We feel while the intentions may be good, the process may not be. Social commitment is for the poor, rural and far-flung area people as well. Social commitment is to generate and sustain employment for the disadvantaged people in those areas as well. From the way the number of mail offices to be rationalized  are pre-dertermined even before the consultant gives his views, makes us believe that the Consultant’s report is sought to be made a fait- acompli. Department of Post is part of the Nation’s overall economy and its rationalization cannot marginalize one section. This needs further and wider discussion and debate.
ii) Mail business segments into two areas-normal mail, largely used by the poor and underprivileged growing at a rate and the business mail of more affluent, growing at a faster rate, calling for cultivation vis-à-vis  competition. While it is conceded,  Mail business centres located at select mail offices can build up the  second category business, it is equally true that in many cases better business can be achieved by location them in HOs /large Post Offices/ new locations. The fact that the reference specifically talks about 230 Mail offices for the location of Business Mail offices in 230 Mail offices through rationalization makes us wonder if it is an indirect way to abolish mail offices. Thus, we call for detailed discussions on this issue.
iii) We all know that the largest growth of business mail is in the seven metros- Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, followed by a few more cities. One must naturally concentrate on these cities for building up business mail potential and thus Mail business offices there. Instead the attempt appears to be indirectly abolish mail offices in 230 places in the name of building business mail. Technology induction by way of Automated Mail processing Centres should be first concentrated in these cities. Even there one must look at the characteristics of Indian Business Mail, not all of which lend themselves for automated sorting. Not even in USA it has happened. Even with good growth of business mail in Mumbai and Chennai, where Automated Sorting exist, the business mail processing through these automated centres is low, everyone knows. Under these circumstances, setting up of 14 such centres within 3 years 2011-2014, as indicated, will lead to heavy loss, with no commensurate benefits. This pre-determined notion, as reflected in the reference, calls for discussion.
iv) We are afraid that what is sought to be achieved by way of rationalization is closing down of many mail  offices, which in reality will affect the growth of revenue and add to cost. Sure enough, some mail offices  deserve closing but they are far and few between. Many mail offices vitally serve rural and far-flung large  areas. A case by case approach is needed. An out side consultant is not the ideal one to do this. We are open for discussions and not for omni-bus decisions. By closing many of them we will breach the vision to serve with Social commitment
v) We, India Post, not only operate mail business, operate Banking, Insurance, reatailing etc. The Finance Marts, when they emerge as full Bank, can go a long way, along with Insurance and Business products, in generating  even profits and cross subsidise our mail business, fulfilling our vision of “social commitment” and “self- sustained growth”. One has to take a more over-all view than to stick to per notions of abolitions of offices and posts, in the name of rationalization, eroding our competitive advantage of net work, committed work force and social relevance.
vi. At para 1.4 a wrong diagnosis is made. It tells about non-viability of our transport system. Far from it. Large areas of our transport system are still relevant and cost-effective. Railways still offer on most areas a good and  cost effective means of transportation. Our Departmental Mail Motor Service (DMMS) is efficient. The managerial decision to keep it confined to cities is incorrect. With the growth of road networks and out Logistics Post and EPP, DMMS has a vital role to play. The uncharitable reference to DMMS in that para is not-justifiable and sets a wrong premise for the consultant to examine. With the growth of Geographic  information System (GIS), DMMS if allowed proper mobility and support can in fact accelerate Business Mail Growth. This needs discussion.

5. AI RMS & MMS EU MGs & MSE strongly feels that the narrow focus on mail network rationalization  along, without examining the full network Post Offices, Banking, Insurance etc. is not correct. In this connection we wish to know what happened to the earlier consultant’s, KPMG, report. Have we used that report? May be it  should be referred as well. In short, AI RMS & MMS EU MGs & MSE rightly calls for a wider and detailed discussions with trade unions before we seek Mckinsey’s help, inter actions with Mckinsey to present Trade Unions’ point of view and implementation of any recommendations only after a consensus with unions emerge. While we are willing to cooperate for the new and useful mail arrangements, our support will be based on the willingness of administration to work with us as well.


ON 16TH JULY, 2010 AT MAVLANKAR HALL, NEW DELHI The National Convention to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 12th July, 1960 All India indefinite strike action of the Central Government employees was held at Mavalankar hall, Rafi Marg, New Delhi on 16th July, 2010. The convention was jointly organized by the All India Railway men Federation, All India Defence Employees Federation and the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers. The convention was presided over by a presidium consisting of Com. Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF, Com. S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation of Central Government employees and workers, Com. Sailo Bhattacharya, General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Federation. More than 1000 delegates participated in the convention. On behalf of the Presidium, Com. Umraomal Purohit made the introductory speech, followed by the presentation of the Declaration by Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, and Confederation. In his presentation, Com. Kutty highlighted the issue of Minimum wage, the concept of DA and the extreme brutality with which the Government suppressed the strike. Com. Srikumar, Secretary General, AIDEF seconded the declaration. Com. Pathak, President, AIDEF presented the Hindi version of the declaration. Com. Shiv Gopal Misra, General Secretary, AIRF,Com. Harbajan Singh, from AIRF, Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, President, BSNLEU, Com. M.S. Raja, Secretary, Confederation, Com. R.N Parasar, Officiating Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees addressed the convention. Thereafter the following veterans were honoured.
Com. J.D. Suryavanshi, AIDEF, Com. Sadasiva Misra, AIDEF, Com. U.M. Purohit (AIRF), Com. Rakhal Das Gupata (AIRF), Com.S.K. Vyas (Confdn.), Com. K.L. Gupta (AIRF), Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri (BSNLEU), Com. R.L. Bhattacharya. (NFPE), Com. Diwakar (NFPE), Com. Rajnath Srivastava, (Confdn) and Com. Pabitra Ranjan Chakraborty (BSNLEU)
Te convention unanimously adopted the enclosed declaration and decided to observe the year commencing from 16th July, 2010 to 15th July, 2011 as the commemorative year of 1960 strike. The State Committees may take necessary action to carry out the directive contained in the declaration.
The house observed two minutes silence in memory of those comrades who led the 1960 struggle who passed away and specially in respectful memory of those who laid down their life being the victims of the police brutality.

DEARNESS ALLOWANCE : NO - 1 Allowance...!

Dearness Allowance : ‘King’ of all allowances…! The central government disburses different types of allowances to their employees. Allowances are given for different reasons :-
DA is given for rise in prices of essential commodities…
CEA is for Children’s education…
HRA for accommodation in rented houses…
FPA for family planning operation for maintaining small family and so on…
An individual may not be granted all the allowances. The disbursement of allowances has some limitations – due to different situations…
For example,
Those who gets a pay below Rs.7440, the Transport Allowance will be Rs.600+DA, those who are above Rs.7440, the TA will be Rs.1600+DA, and those who gets a grade pay Rs.5400 and above the TA will be Rs.3200+DA…
Those employees who are married and has two school going children, they are eligible to get Rs.12000 per year as Children Education Allowance…
HRA is given as per city grade specifications as 30%, 20%, 10%, but we all know that DA is given to all Central Government Employees evenly as per their basic pay. So this stands apart…
Moreover, when the DA goes up 50%, it gives some pushups to Compensatory Allowances such as – Increases of 25% in Children Education Allowance, Child Care Allowance, Washing Allowance, Cycle Allowance, Cash Handling Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Split Duty Allowance will also be increased.
It also boosts up some advances namely – Flood Advance, Festival Advance will be increased by 25%, when the DA goes up 50% as per recommendations in the 6th CPC report.
So to conclude, we can use the term ‘King’ for the Dearness Allowance.
Source : CGS

Friday, July 16, 2010

INSPECTOR of POST Review Results of 2007 Examination held from 10-12 August 2007 - Directorate issued Marks.

Postal Directorate declared Inspector of Post results and Marks of the all candidates for the year 2007 Examination held from 10-12 August 2007 vde Memo No.A-34013/03/2007-DE(Pt.) dated 16/07/2010. The same is placed here for the information of the members.Please click the below link and down load.         
 1. Click here  to get IP review Results for the year 2007

2.Click here  to get the Marks of the candidates Circle wise.

Mckinsy & CO Meeting

15-07-2010  Mckinsy & CO arranged a Meeting . The Secretary Posts chaired the Meeting  Sri Reshikesh  Director(MM) made a power point presentation about the future plan of Dept on Mail network processing . Federations and RMS & MMS Unions registered its protest over the appointment of Mckinsy as consultant for this project. According to the presentation there is nothing new expect some colorful words here and there.   However Unions  appreciated the Secretary Posts for taking Interest in the core business. CHQ R IV wrote a seprate letter to department on  Terms of Reference on Mckinsey & Co.
A meeting for the introduction of the project on the Mail Network optimization to the staff unions was organized by the department on 15.7.2010. The staff side representatives of both the NFPE & FNPO federations and General Secretaries of P3, R3 & R4 unions were invited for discussion by the department. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Secretary, Department of Posts. The in charge of the Mckensey consultants for the India post was also present. During the presentation, the official side intimated the following programmes are proposed to be implemented in the mails operations.
1.The main object of the project is to get the core right by’ End to end net work optimization, Significant quality improvement & Rigorous performance management.
End to end network optimization: Optimise India Post’s mail network from collection to delivery.
Significant quality improvement: Standardize and improve processes and reduce network complexity.
Rigorous performance management: Establish an effective management structure using KPIs and regular reviews
2. India Post shall be a trustworthy organization with high quality reliable service with improved working conditions.
3. First start with few projects for big cities and thereafter add more products for the same cities. Finally expand the same to all products across the country. Constant monitoring may be introduced by the Directorate like Project arrow.
4. Speed Post and International Mails were first taken for the project and introduced in six metros viz Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore & Hyderabad. The project has brought some significant improvements over the last six months and improvement could be felt in the process of speed post articles. The Bangalore SPC is the example.
5. While revamping the Speed post operations ( collection to delivery), the consultancy will be suggested about the network design, right processes, network schedule, cut off times, processing windows etc for speed post articles at first and then it will be extended to first class mails in order to ensure the maximum D+ 1 quality.
6.The look feel factors like Uniform branding as well as consistency, standardized interiors and exteriors of buildings and supportive infrastructure, identifying new technologies, upgrading the existing to ensure faster and better services, recognizing star circles, performers and ensuring 100% trained staff on field are the components, the department proposed.
7. The Project team Mckensey has been sought involvement in the process at all levels. Officers from Directorate and circle levels are visiting and personally involving. They are meeting the staff to understand the problem and making changes in the project on the ground itself.
8. The impact of the project is to ensure easier sorting by minimum handling, less workload by reducing the number of bags & missorts between different locations, better equipment, higher throughput by higher processing with improved process design, streamlined workflow by having optimized inflow of mails in the processing centers, prioritized processing based on the time of the day for maximum connectivity, regular interaction and display of SPC’s daily performance, suggestions and feedback encouraged and providing adequate training and incentives for high performers etc.
9.It will reduce the sorter distress ensuring minimum multiple handling from the present large multiple handling; ensuring maximum sorting with only one handling from the present position of pre sorting for all items before final sorting; priority to TD/NTD mails in the sorting reducing the number of bags and missorts between different locations within one city etc.
10. It will ensure 100% scan compliance, both for receipt and delivery. No article can enter or leave sorting area unless scanned. Optimizing sorting cages, reducing multi level sorting and revising sorting logic are in the agenda. Similarly uniform volume inflow will be ensured which leads to less pressure for staff on ground and better connectivity which results therefore better quality.
The following 18 KPIs are developed to create transparency in the process of the scheme.
1. Transit analysis within city.
2. Transit analysis across city
3. Time per leg of transit within city
4. Time per leg of transit across city.
These measures speed and reliability of processing of Speed Post articles from booking to delivery.
5. Scans compliance in the entire network
6. Scan analysis per leg of transit within city.
7. Scan analysis per leg of transit across city.
These measures for each processing step whether articles got scanned as prescribed.
8. percent of F scans in Speed Net vs. F Scans in IPS1
9. Percent of F scans in IPS vs. D scans in IPS.
10. Share of Speed Net Delivery Scans vs. IPS F scans (TBD)
These measures for international inbound article with the efficiency of movement at every step before merger with Speed Post.
11. Articles processed per hour per FTE
12 .Staff absenteeism
13. Share of bags without bag labels
14 .Share of articles not processed in SpeedNet
15. Share of articles closed after cut off time
16. Share of missorted articles
17. Share of articles with missing pin codes
18. Share of articles not dispatched same set
These supports achieving better D+x and scan performance.
At Present this project was introduced in six cities. During September, it will be extended to fifteen cities further led by eight Directors (Mail & Speed post). Thereafter the Project team will start working on first class mail. A Speed post manual for further rollout is now developed by the Directorate.
On the above points, the suggestions and view points of the staff side was invited by the chairperson of the meeting. On behalf of NFPE, we posed the question before the Secretary that other than the above, whether was there any hidden agenda in the project. We recorded our apprehension whether the project is with the aim of privatization or corporatization of the postal services. The Secretary replied that there is no hidden agenda and there is no privatization or corporatization programme of any services.
She asserted that the project is only to improve the services and there will be no closure of any sorting offices without consulting the staff unions in case if warranted. The project is similar to that of Project Arrow in order to monitor the mail operations by introducing RFID system and avoiding duplication of work.
We asked the view points of the in charge of Mckensy to detail his experience in the project. He replied that the geographical conditions and functioning are entirely different from Latin America, South East Asian countries and the present Indian system requires some modernization and they are practically studying with the consultation of officers and officials in the work spot.
We informed that after deep study of the materials and discussions among the unions, NFPE will offer our comments and reaction to the department at the earliest.
The opinions of the viewers and the activists on the above points are invited immediately to have a deep study of the above along with the proposals of the department.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

LTC 80 Scheme : Air ticker charges paid on the date of booking - Fin.Min. Order

F.No. 19046/1/2008-E.IV
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Expenditure
E-IV Branch

New Delhi, the 15thJuly, 2010

Subject: Clarification regarding re-imbursement of LTC-80 fare.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No.7(1)/E.Coord/2008 dated 4-12-2008 wherein Air India’s LTC 80 scheme was introduced from 1st December, 2008, for LTC travelers entitled to travel by Air. A number of references from different Government Departments/offices have been received in this Ministry seeking clarification whether the prevailing fare on the date of booking of LTC 80 tickets is to be reimbursed or claim is to be restricted to Air India’s LTC 80 fare as on 1 December, 2008.
2. The matter has been considered in this Ministry and it is clarified that the fare paid on the date of booking of ticket under LTC 80 scheme of Air India may be reimbursed.

(Karan Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Thursday, July 15, 2010

 For Fin.Min.Order Click here


 A big National Convention of Workers Central Trade Unions was held in New Delhi at Mavlankar Hall on 15th July, 2010. Eight Central Trade Unions including INTUC, AITUC, CITU, HMS etc participated in it. Banks, BSNL, Insurance Central and State Government Employees Organsations and other independent Federations were also took part in it..The Convention took a decision to go on a day’s strike on 7th September, 2010 to demand immediate action to curb price rise and stop disinvestment of profit making PSUs. To read the declaration passed at the Convention
click down for Declaration Copy in English and Hindhi

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



Minutes of the Meeting held on 12.07.2010 to consider Charter of Demands given by the Staff side along with their notice of indefinite strike w.e.f. 13.07.2010. Meeting was held under the chairpersonship of Secretary (P), in which the following were present:

Official Side

1. Shri P.K. Gopinath, Member Postal Services Board
2. Ms. Kalpana Tiwari, CGM (MB&O)
3. Ms. Suneeta Trivedi, CGM(BD &M)
5. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Estt)
6. Shri Shri Salim Haque, DDG (P)
7. Shri Y.P. Rai, DDG (RB)
8. Shri P.K. Sinha, DDG (PAF)
9. Shri N.K. Tyagi, CE (Civil)
10. Shri Subhash Chander, Director (SR & Legal)
Staff Side
1. Shri D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO.
2. Shri R.N. Parashar, Asstt. Secretary General, NFPE.
3. Shri K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPE Union Class. III
4. Shri D. Kishan Rao, General Secretary, NAPE Group ‘C’.
7. Shri Giri Raj Singh, General Secretary, AI RMS&MMS EU Group ‘C’.
5. Shri Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & MSE/Group ‘D’
6. Shri T.N. Rahate, General Secretary, NUPE Postmen & Gr ‘D’
8. Shri P Suresh, General Secretary, AIRMS & MMS Employees Union, Mailguard and Multi Skilled employees
9. Shri A. H. Siddique, General Secretary, NU RMS & MMS Employees, Mail Guards and Multi-skilled Employees.
10. Shri Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary, Admn (NFPE).
11. Shri O.P. Khanna, General Secretary, Admn (FNPO)
12. Shri P. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, AIPAEA.
13. Shri S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDEU
14. Shri P.U. Muralidharan, General Secretary, NUGDS.
Secretary General of NFPE and Assistant Secretary General of FNPO conveyed their sincere thanks for convening the meeting and there after discussion started on Charter of Demands. The action points emerging out of discussions are as follows:
Item No. 1
(a) Roll back steps of privatization of Speed Post processing, mail conveyance and data entry work.

The Chairperson made it clear that in case of bulk Speed Post articles and where there is shortage of staff, outsourcing is being done so as to ensure fast movement of articles. However, there is no such policy of the Government either in case of Speed Post articles or for other accountable articles. In the context of Staff Side reference about anti-social elements dealing with the Speed Post articles, an enquiry will be made in this regard.

(b) Cancel the order for downgradation of EDSOs to EDBOs and closure of EDBOs.

Necessary clarification on the demand of the Staff Side about drawal of increments in case of downgradation of EDSOs to EDBOs will be issued. A presentation will be arranged by Technology Branch for the Staff side to demonstrate all the technological developments that are taking place especially in the context of functioning of EDSOS/EDBOS.

(c) Cancel the decision to close down “C” Class Post Offices.

The Staff Side was informed that no such order has been issued by the Department. They were further explained that the policy of the Department was to relocate Post Offices to new areas/townships which are growing. The idea is to rationalize to meet emerging needs. Suitable instructions, in this regard, will be issued to all Heads of Circles.
(d) Outsourcing of mail conveyance.
Purchase of departmental vehicles for conveyance of mail will be pursued.
Item No. 2
(a) Stop violations in the agreements on Status quo of RMS & MMS as well as merger of RMS with less than 10,000 mails.
Reports will be called for from the Circles against the order of status quo.
(b) Create scientific norms for the work in CRC, Speed Post, Logistics and EPP.
This item will be discussed with the Staff Side in a separate meeting to be taken up by CGM (MB & O). Date and time of the meeting will be intimated by Director (SR & Legal), after consultation with CGM (MB & O).
Item No.3
(a) Holding of JCM Departmental Council Meetings and periodical meetings with Federations/Associations.
Departmental Council (JCM) Meetings and periodical meetings will be held at regular intervals.
(b) Referring the issue of discrimination of pay scales between the Telecom TBOP/BCR and Postal TBOP/BCR w.e.f. 1.1.1996 to Board of Arbitration.
This Item will be considered as a part of cadre restructuring of Group “C” employees in PA/SA cadre. In the context of cadre restructuring, the Chairperson gave direction for expeditious consideration so as to complete the process before the close of this year.
(c) Holding of GDS Committee Meetings periodically with GDS Unions.
Periodical meetings as prescribed will be held at regular intervals.
Item No.4
Stop harassment of staff under Project Arrow.
Data sent by various Circles will be subject to proper scrutiny. Heads of Circles will also be addressed to furnish correct information.
Item No.5
(a) Undertake reassessment of vacancies in PA/SA cadre (including Circle Offices) to rectify mistaken calculation of vacancies in all circles.
The position will be reviewed Circle wise for necessary follow up action to be completed before 15th August 2010. For expeditious disposal, video conferencing will be done with the concerned Heads of Circles.
(b) Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres in Department of Posts as on 31.12.2009.
Information in regard to residual vacancies remaining unfilled will be called for from all the Circles for necessary follow up action in this regard.
(c) Allow local recruitment as one time measure in Postal Accounts similar to 1997 Sundernagar.
DDG (PAF) will examine the matter in accordance with the existing rules and instructions on the subject.
Item No.6
(a) Cadre Restructuring of Group C employees (other than accounts cadre).
A Committee comprising DDG (Estt), DDG (P) and Director (SPN) and three members from Staff Side, to be nominated by them, will be constituted to examine the proposals in detail and submit recommendations. The entire process is to be completed before the close of the year.
(b) Withdrawal of order regarding cadre restructuring of Postmasters cadre until comprehensive cadre restructuring of PA/SA cadre is completed.
The Staff Side will be apprised of the details of the new Cadre.
(c) Cadre Restructuring of LDC, Sorters & DEOs in PAOs..
Necessary action to be taken by DDG (PAF).
Item No.7
(a) Grant of Pension, Departmental status to Gramin Dak Sevaks, grant of HRA/CCA, ACP including trade union rights and welfare measures.
Welfare measures in favour of Gramin Dak Sevaks viz relief in case of prolonged illness, relaxation of education assistance schemes will be placed before Postal Staff Welfare Board in its next meeting. The issues of annuity and Health Scheme have been taken up with the Nodal Ministries.
(b) Remove discrimination on bonus ceiling.
Matter is subjudice.
(c) Modify the Rs.20,000 cash handling work points for GDS BPMs – withdraw orders denying revised TRCA wef 1.1.2006 in respect of BPMs.
Matter is subjudice.
(d) Compute work norms for all types of work performed including NREGS, PLI, RPLI, Pension Payments etc to GDS.
The issue will be examined.
(e) Implement enhanced Social Security to GDS like Ex-Gratia Gratuity and Severance Amount w.e.f 1.1.2006.
The benefits were extended as per past practice.
Item No.8
(a) Grant of parity in pay Scale (PB-1 with 2400/-) for MMS Drivers on par with Drivers of Parliament Secretariat.
Staff Side was apprised that the matter was taken up with the Ministry of Finance but did not find favour.
(b) Recruitment of adequate number of drivers.
To be considered along with the issue of filling up of vacancies.
(c) Sanction of OSA for the long distance logistics van drivers of MMS.
Mail Branch will look into it. Action to be completed expeditiously.
(d) Technology training to Work Shop staff and grant of Data Entry Operator’s scale of pay to Work Shop Staff.
DDG (Trg) to take necessary action for providing technical training to Work Shop Staff.
Item No.9
(a) Revision of wages from 1.1.2006 in respect of RRR Candidates, Casual Labourers, Contingent Staff.
Issue of RRR Candidates being sub judice, no action. The case of Casual Labourers is being examined. To be followed up vigorously.
(b) Grant of temporary status to eligible full time status casual labourers, convert part time into full time, absorb full time, part time, contingent in vacant GDS Posts.
The entire issue of Casual Labourers will be looked into with the objective of liquidating their number as per policy of the Government.
Item No.10
(a) Fill up all vacancies of Postmen and Mail guards
To be considered along with filling up of all vacancies in the Department.
(b) Modify certain unscientific work norms of Postmen/MTS finalized by Work Study Unit.
The existing norms will be reviewed after six months from the date of its issue. The Circles have been addressed to give their feed back in the matter and the review process will be completed by October 2010.
(c) Enhance the Postman Double duty Allowance as per the recommendations of 6th CPC.
The entire issue of double duty allowance will be reviewed by October 2010 by a Committee. The Chairperson directed that all issue relating to Postmen will be discussed separately.
Item No.11
Remove all local anomalies in MACP Scheme like application of benchmark of the period prior to introduction of MACP Scheme; grant MACP on Average benchmark like Department of Railways; denial of regular promotion earlier to introduction of MACP.
In the context of bench mark for grant of MACP within PB-1, it was desired to issue order on the pattern of the order having been issued by Ministry of Railways, immediately. The matter will be pursued.
Item No.12
Creation of System Administrators Cadre and financial compensation for special work performed by System Administrators.
A Committee consisting of DDG (Estt), DDG (P) and DDG (Technology) will be formed to consider this aspect along with cadre restructuring of PAs/SAs. As regards grant of Road Mileage Allowance, mater is under examination.
Item No.13
Recruitment Rules for Multi Tasking Staff
The draft rules to be referred to Department of Personnel for their approval. As regards educational qualifications of existing Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual Labourers for appointment as multitasking staff, status quo will continue.
Item No.14
Amalgamation of Group C Accounts Cadre.
No action.
Item No.15
Roll back of the decentralization of PLI/RPLI – Augment required staff strength and filling up of vacant posts.
The proposal to be considered by PLI Directorate and any problem in this regard to be reported to Secretary (P) within a week.
Item No.16
Parity of scale of pay of Ministerial Cadre in Postal Civil Wing on part with the Postal Assistants and upgradation of posts of Works Clerk Grade – II/head Clerk – Filling up of all vacant posts of technical as well as ministerial posts – Creation of one Civil Wing Circle for each Postal Circle.
The Staff Side will take up this issue separately.
Item No.17
Regularize the HSG-I, HSG-II, LSG arrangements and grant Officiating Pay and Allowances to all Officials holding the posts.
The issue will be looked into afresh in view of the provision made in Postal Manual Volume IV, as stated by the Staff Side, as also in the light of prevailing instructions of the Government of India on the subject.
Item No.18
Enhance OTA and OSA rates in tune with the 6th Central Pay Commission.
The question of enhancing OTA rates stands referred to the Committee of Secretaries by the Nodal Department. The enhancement of OSA rates will be examined by Mail Branch and is to be completed within one month.
Meeting ended with Vote of Thanks to the Chair.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ex-gratia lump sum compensation ceiling is removed to the families of deceased Central Government Employees

The Central Government has announced today that there is no ceiling for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the families of deceased Central Government Employees.
There is a good move by the Government to their employees that the restriction of ceiling for the compensatin of Rs.20 lakhs(each individual) is removed.
No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare

3rd, Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-II0 003
Dated the 12thJuly, 2010

Subject: Implementation of the Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC-Revision of provisions regulating special benefits in the cases of Death and Disability in service - payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to families of central Govt.employees - modification - regarding -

The undersigned is directed to say that in this Department's Office Memorandum of even number dated 16thMarch, 2009, it was provided that ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the families of deceased Government servants including from sundry Government sources, such as the Prime Minister's Relief Fund, Chief Minister's Relief Fund, etc. should not exceed the aggregate of Rs. 20 lakhs in each individual case. Para 12 of Annexe to this Department's OM 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11th September, 1998 was modified to that extent.
2. The matter has been further reviewed and it has now been decided that there will be no ceiling for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation in terms of Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare's OM No. OM 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11thSeptember, 1998 read with OM NO.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2nd September, 2008 and OM No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F) dated 16th March, 2009.
3. The above revised provision will be effective from 1.1.2006.
4. All other terms and conditions in the O.M. dated 11th September, 1998 shall remain unchanged.
5. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure U.O. No. 361/EV/2010 dated 4th June, 2010
6. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

(Tripti P Ghosh)